A Review-Resistant Starch as Functional Food

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Heni Purwaninggsih and Siti Nuryanti

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Published: 26 June 2019 | Article Type :


Starch is a carbohydrate which is a glucose polymer, and consists of amylose and amylopectin. The utilization of indigenous starch is still very limited because its physical and chemical properties are less suitable for widespread use. Therefore, starch will increase its economic value if modified its properties through physical, chemical, or a combination of both. Modified starch aims to alter the chemical and / or physical properties of starch naturally by breaking the molecular structure, rearranging the molecular structure, oxidation, or substitution of the chemical group on the molecule. One type of modified starch is starch resistant starch (RS). RS is a starch-resistant starch which is defined as a starch fraction that is resistant starch to the hydrolysis of the amylase digestive enzyme and the treatment of polonaise in vitro. Resistant consists of RS1 (starch which is physically difficult to digest as in the maturation of imperfect milling), RS2 (raw starch), RS3 (retrogradationstarch), and RS4 (the result of chemical modification, such as the formation of cross linking). As the functional food of the hospital serves as a fiber fortification material, reducing calories and oxidizing fat, so RS is very important for health.

Keywords: Starch, resistant starch, starch modification, functional food.

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How to Cite


Heni Purwaninggsih and Siti Nuryanti. (2019-06-26). "A Review-Resistant Starch as Functional Food." *Volume 3*, 2, 25-34